Monday, September 10, 2012

Patriot Day 2012

In honor of 9/11/01.
Last year, I wanted our students to learn the importance of "giving back," and we celebrated the 10th anniversary of 9/11 by participating in our first Day of Service!  I realized none of my elementary students were even alive on 9/11/01, and my principal and I discussed WHAT and HOW we would explain that day to the kids.  One of my teachers had the book (shown below), "September 12:  We Knew Everything Would be All Right."  I took pictures of all of the pages and made a powerpoint presentation for my teachers to project on their screens.  My principal read the words over our school-wide intercom, and the teachers "turned the pages" on the screen, so the students could not only hear the powerful words but also see the kid-drawn illustrations.  (My principal liked it so much, we're doing the same thing tomorrow!!!)
Great book for elementary students!
Beyond the book reading this year, our classes are also participating in some community service!  I paired my classes up, provided some themed stationary and construction paper, and the students are creating cards, letters, and pictures for local service men and women, Veterans, and the elderly at a local nursing home.  The focus is on SERVICE, and the students learn that we should "give back" to others, just as the men and women did on 9/11/01.  Let's all wear our red, white, and blue and celebrate the service given on September 11, 2001!  Happy Patriot Day 2012!!!

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