Friday, September 14, 2012

Bulletin Board Magic

The sound of a stapler hitting the wall may be one of the best sounds ever!  It means that something is going onto my school wall; something that was created by a kid!  Often, my staff will walk by me using the said "stapler," and they'll make a comment like, "Just decorating our school again, Sarah?"  I just chuckle and always say, "Kids like to see their own work displayed."  It saddens me to know that some schools do not allow staples to be put in their walls, due to the type of wall material or the newness of the school.  REALLY, people???  What is more important than highlighting the work of a child?

Solution:  BULLETIN BOARDS!  I mean, there is no easier way to brighten up a hallway or help kids transfer your counseling lesson ideas outside of the classroom than with a bulletin board.  I used to use the rolled paper found in most school work rooms, but then I got smart!  I ventured to my oh-so favorite shopping establishment, a.k.a. Goodwill, and bought some bed sheets!  Duh...where had they been all my counseling life?  No longer do I have to worry about fading or riping.  Before I set up any boards at the beginning of the year, I must coordinate the fabric to the border that I normally buy at a local teacher store.  Now, the colors can't clash, but I have, on occasion, mixed pattern fabric with pattern border.  (Rebel, right?)  As I ever so elegantly staple the fabric to the wall, I consider what type of items will be placed on that specific board.  Will it be used for my monthly guidance lesson goodies?  Or, will it be used to feature that month's Bucket Fillers?  Either way, I know that my boards are magical, because they are kid tested and kid-approved!!!

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